I'm sharing the sights, the style, the eats, and the one beauty must-have that absolutely breathed life into my dead of winter New York trip!

A few weeks ago, we traveled to New York to attend my favorite hairstylists' Matt and Ashley's wedding and to take a breather from the craze of our home renovation project. Upon arrival in New York, we were confronted with a different kind of craziness-February weather. It was snowy and dry with winds at an uncontrollable slap in my face speed and crack my lips chill. Vaseline must have known about my trip because they sent over a dry lips care package the day before I left along with a chocolate cake (yum!). I ate the cake in LA and took my Vaseline Lip Therapy Tins to New York.
And I took them everywhere! Clinically proven to heal dry lips and to provide long-lasting moisture, the tins are the latest U.S. product launch from the brand available at Target.com and comes in four different treatments to cover all the lip bases. In the mornings, I'd prep my lips using the Original Lip Therapy as a smoothing and glossy base for lipstick application. After meals, I'd use the Rosy Lips for a touch of color. And throughout the day, I'd reapply with either the Aloe or Cocoa Butter to fight the subzero temp and the not-so chill wind chill. Perfectly packaged for tucking into purses of all sizes, the Lip Therapy Tins were the perfect travel companions and kept my lips looking pluckered and completely uncracked by the weather.

Won Hundred "Catherine" Sweater | MinkPink skirt | Willow and Clay coatigan | YSL wool scarf | JustFab flats | Ivanka Trump "Turnberry Pancake" purse | Sole Society "Verona" sunnies