This week I'm doubling up on this red outfit it's Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day Week!

LightintheBox dress, coat, heels
I love it when I get to go the mile with an outfit! I wore this printed dress and bright red coat and heels combo on Chinese New Year and will be repeating the look at an early Valentine's Day dinner at Tart this week where they're serving a decadent four-course tasting menu filled with yummies like fried quail, honey glazed pork belly and chocolate banana bread pudding!
In Chinese culture, red is the color for good fortune and it's the universal color for love so I guess it was quite fortuitous that this outfit fits so well with both holidays. I love the outfit's cute high and low contrast as the pouffy skater dress plays well to the fitted long coat while the romance of the bow heels are just begging to be bared in full view!