I wore this flowy Helmut Lang water paint silk floral dress to celebrate my brother's birthday at Mastro's Ocean Club.

Photos by Kate Doherty
Ever since he moved to the east coast for college, my brother and I have had a long distance relationship. I'll see him a few times a years, for a few days or sometimes a few weeks at a time. It's not enough and sometimes I wish he'd move back to LA but I do think the distance has made him much more of an independent thinker, a free spirit, and I'm proud of the man he has become, man bun and all.
It's been years since my brother's been home for his birthday so we packed into the SUV and headed to Malibu. He loves the ocean and red meat so we had a quintessential beachy dinner at Mastro's Ocean Club. I'm sure we all say this about our families, but mine is pure entertainment. Dad's one of the funniest guys I know, Mom is equally hilarious in an obliviously serious way, brother's a hippie yogi who belongs on Portlandia, and I'm...well, not that normal either. It was a fabulous dinner. And as the sun set over our bone-in ribeyes, I thought about how nice it was to have him back, even for just a weekend. The clan was back.