romper {BB Dakota "Pardee" c/o}
wedges {Shoedazzle}
straw hat {Magid c/o}
sunglasses {Chloe}
Perhaps the only other time I was out of my robe or workout clothes, I wore my BB Dakota romper to a peaceful massage at the Sanctuary on Camelback Mountain followed by reading time that quickly turned into nap time. Gone Girl was my vacation read, a well-written suspense novel with a creative plot twist. The wife of a seemingly perfect couple suddenly disappears and thus begins the whodunit story. Secluded in the resort with outrageous zen appeal and feeling completely removed from the outside world, I thought about what it would be like to vanish. To be gone. But before I could answer the hypothetical, the thought blinked away because right now there's nowhere I'd rather be than here.
What's on your summer reading list?
{live fabulously}