I flew out to Vegas earlier this week to see my self-proclaimed bff Britney Spears live in concert at Planet Hollywood. I couldn't contain my excitement and started screaming, squealing, and singing the moment I entered the arena and didn't stop until the Original from Earl of Sandwich was stuffed into my mouth two hours later. She may not be the same Britney that wrapped a snake around her neck or kissed Madonna at the VMAs but she also isn't the lost little girl who shaved her head and publicly melted down for the world to judge. She's on solid ground again, standing on her own two feet and trying to reclaim her identity and fight against a surreality that's bent on banishing self-identity. And that's why I was so excited. I was cheering and rooting for Britney Jean Spears to come back.
Witnessing Britney's transformation was powerful and empowering and serves as the inspiration for this week's Fab Five list which is all about building inner strength, staying strong, and facing the toughest challenges with grace and a smile.
{Lauren Conrad's favorite position}
When asked what's her favorite position at a radio interview, Lauren said CEO.
{nighttime scent}
I spritz in the morning for others and spritz at night for myself. Currently, I drift to sleep wearing the warm and musky tones of Olivine Waves as its notes of black coconut and ocean salt evoke moments of serenity walking on the soft sands of Kailua while gazing into crystal blue water. In life, it's the small indulgences that make the biggest impact.
{fierce workout}

With leather accents and animal prints, the new four-piece collaboration between outdoor apparel brand K-Way and French high street label Maje is the fiercest workout gear out there and may just empower me with cheetah-like agility and speed at the gym. It's so fun to step outside the ordinary and wear something special every moment of the day.
{a break}
For me, breaking from routine helps breathe new perspective. I don't usually go to bars on the weekdays but a few weeks ago I went to the opening night celebration of LA FOLLIES at the Next Door Lounge. LA's cabaret ensemble are kicking up their heels and taking residency at the retro glam lounge every Thursday night with sultry live performances. The change of scenery was refreshing and has inspired me to say yes to trying something new every week.
{just dance}
Sunday morning dance class at Equinox with Tor Campbell is an hour of nonstop sweating and smiling. His energy is disarming, electrifying, and takes me to an addicting endorphin high. No matter how late I stay out Saurday night or how big of a hot mess I look and feel, I get up bright and early on Sunday and dance off the week's stress to the sounds of Rihanna and Michael Jackson.
In the words of my favorite Britney song, "You might think that I can't take it, but your're wrong. 'Cause now I'm stronger than yesterday. Now it's nothing but my way..."
{live fabulously}
Witnessing Britney's transformation was powerful and empowering and serves as the inspiration for this week's Fab Five list which is all about building inner strength, staying strong, and facing the toughest challenges with grace and a smile.
{Lauren Conrad's favorite position}
When asked what's her favorite position at a radio interview, Lauren said CEO.
{nighttime scent}
I spritz in the morning for others and spritz at night for myself. Currently, I drift to sleep wearing the warm and musky tones of Olivine Waves as its notes of black coconut and ocean salt evoke moments of serenity walking on the soft sands of Kailua while gazing into crystal blue water. In life, it's the small indulgences that make the biggest impact.
{fierce workout}

With leather accents and animal prints, the new four-piece collaboration between outdoor apparel brand K-Way and French high street label Maje is the fiercest workout gear out there and may just empower me with cheetah-like agility and speed at the gym. It's so fun to step outside the ordinary and wear something special every moment of the day.
{a break}
For me, breaking from routine helps breathe new perspective. I don't usually go to bars on the weekdays but a few weeks ago I went to the opening night celebration of LA FOLLIES at the Next Door Lounge. LA's cabaret ensemble are kicking up their heels and taking residency at the retro glam lounge every Thursday night with sultry live performances. The change of scenery was refreshing and has inspired me to say yes to trying something new every week.
{just dance}
Sunday morning dance class at Equinox with Tor Campbell is an hour of nonstop sweating and smiling. His energy is disarming, electrifying, and takes me to an addicting endorphin high. No matter how late I stay out Saurday night or how big of a hot mess I look and feel, I get up bright and early on Sunday and dance off the week's stress to the sounds of Rihanna and Michael Jackson.
In the words of my favorite Britney song, "You might think that I can't take it, but your're wrong. 'Cause now I'm stronger than yesterday. Now it's nothing but my way..."
{live fabulously}