Ralph Waldo Emerson's "Nature" essay comes to mind when summing up my tour de New England. Although the family road trip across New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine was not a practice in transcendentalism in the strictest sense, it did jolt me from the fabulous distractions that come with living life in the fab lane. I found myself immensely appreciating the simple things in life like watching a brood of chicken cross the road (the joke is on the tip of my tongue), playing with Daisy the heifer, studying the collections of sap from maple trees, and marveling at the luscious and quiet beauty of The Great Mountains.
Unlike Emerson, my weekend immersion in nature was not rooted in solitude as it was layered with family squabbles, unexpected detours, bouts of laughter, and delicious crustaceans. And although I'm back in the land of the fab, I hope to take more time to be one with my surroundings and appreciate it in its natural state. As Emerson so eloquently wrote, "But if a man would be alone, let him look at the stars. The rays that come from those heavenly worlds, will separate between him and vulgar things.”
{The Good}
To lobster heaven and back
Serenaded into the night by the men of The Dartmouth Aires
cabot cheese
Dad's awesome sense of humor
friendly New Englanders
white picket fences
smalltown, USA

{The Bad}
realizing I've been consuming fake syrup (Aunt Jemima doesn't own any maple trees) instead of real maple syrup all my life
eating sushi in Hanover
{The Fabulous}
naturemy Torn by Ronny Kobo tank and skirt set
bringing my neglected Fendi purse back into rotation
having breakfast with the family every morning, something that's been missing from my life for years
seeing my brother graduate from boy to man

{live fabulously}