My love for jewelry transcends the sparkly surface. Each piece of bling tells a story...a story of origin, a story of giving, a story of living. Some of my favorite pieces are not necessarily statement making in design or exorbitant in price yet they remain close to my heart pulsated by the attached memories and emotions that unfold and rush in the moment I put them on. And for that and that alone, they remain simply priceless.
I spotted these diamond floral earrings while aimlessly shopping with J one day. I casually gave a few awwws and continued on. A few days later, a white jewelry box appeared on my pillow with these beauties inside. At the time he was working around the clock setting up a new venture so I was extremely touched he took the time to go back and get them for me. It wasn't a gift for a particular occassion-just a shiny reminder that although his mind was preoccupied, his heart was thinking of me.
The gold Gara Danielle zodiac necklace and Chan Luu leather and pearl wrap bracelet were birthday gifts from two friends. We were quite close for a number of years as we went to Arcadia High and USC together. Sadly, time and distance set us adrift but these mementos of friendship will forever symbolize years of laughter, unfiltered girl talk, and an undying bond.

My jade bracelets were gifts from various aunts and uncles. I come from an immigrant family so most of my extended family members still live in Shanghai. Although I see them infrequently, my bracelets serve as a precious reminder of my Chinese heritage, lineage, and ancestry. I wear them proudly.
To celebrate the holidays and my love for jewelry, I've partnered with Jewelmint to give away three fabulous pieces of jewelry that I've personally handpicked to three fab readers as I sincerely hope they will become a part of your life story.

1. Sign up (free and no obligation) for JewelMint. For a limited time, new members will receive the "buy one get one free" discount.
2. Leave a comment and tell me what's your favorite piece.
3. Follow me via bloglovin' or google friend connect.
4. {bonus entry} Tweet: Enter the @goodbadandfab and @JewelMint giveaway to win fab jewelry for the holidays!
{Giveaway ends December 20 11:59 PST}
Jewelmint Starstruck ring
Jewelmint Gold Lamè necklace
Jewelmint Rock Citrus earrings
{live fabulously}