In an effort to be as reasonable and analytical in my review as possible, I'm going to state my findings and conclusions using my law school training. Bear with me.
For the past four and a half months, I've been taking a pill a day. Around month three, I started seeing substantial and quantitative results. The results can be isolated to the consumption of Viviscal as neither my diet nor my lifestyle has changed. Before taking the pills, I would shed quite a lot of hair every time I washed it. Now, the shedding has been reduced in half. Brushing my hair had always resulted in losing at least eight to ten hair strands per session. Now, the number has been reduced to just two or three strands! Furthermore, about two weeks ago, I observed that I now have tons of unmanageable baby hair, a phenomenon that I've never witnessed before. Ever. Lastly, my hair is growing at an exponential rate and is now the longest it's ever been. In fact, during my last visit to the hair salon, my hair stylist was quite shocked by the length and made several comments about it. Given the overwhelming set of independent findings witnessed during the past couple of months, I must come to the logical conclusion that Viviscal works! How fabulous!
Viviscal Hair Supplement, $39.99 for 60 tablets